Student Life

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Financial Aid, Campus Life Support, etc.

For education and support for students, refer to Kyoto University’s website
Moreover, the Division of Graduate Studies of Kyoto University provides career path support and financial aid to graduate students..
Please also refer to the support provided by the Division of Graduate Studies.


For International Students

Visa and life in Japan

After passing the GSGES entrance exams, GSGES administration office makes an application for Certificate of Eligibility (CoE), which is required to reduce the time for obtaining a student visa. For details, refer to “Notice of success in the entrance examination” sent with the result of the exam.

*MEXT scholarship students or scholars of JICA-KCCP are not applicable.

For details of visa, refer to Kyoto University website “Visa and Life in Japan


Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship

  • MEXT scholarship with embassy recommendation

Make an application through the embassy in your home country.
For details, refer to Kyoto University website “Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship – Embassy Recommendation“.

To obtain the Letter of Provisional Acceptance after passing the first screening by the Japanese diplomatic mission, contact the prospective supervisor through an online application process of the Admissions Assistance Office (AAO).
*GSGES does NOT allow applicants to directly contact the prospective supervisor.

  • MEXT scholarship with university recommendation (general program)

Refer to Kyoto University website “Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship –University Recommendation“.
Recruitment notice for MEXT scholarship university recommendation at GSGES is sent to each laboratory in early January.
For application details, ask your intended academic supervisor.
*The eligible applicants are those who have already passed the examination as a master’s, doctoral, or research student at the time of application and  enrolling in October 1st in the same year. 


  • MEXT scholarship with university recommendation (special scholarship program)

Applicants wishing to apply for this scholarship need to take the IEMP Entrance Examinations.
For details, refer to the examination guidelines of “IEMP entrance examination”.
*This program may not be available depending on the academic years. 


Other scholarships

  • ADB-JSP Program

Applicants wishing to apply for this scholarship need to take the IEMP Entrance Examinations.
For details, refer to the examination guidelines of “IEMP entrance examination”.

  • Scholarships from private foundations

    Please refer to Kyoto University website “(For international students) Scholarships“.

