We exhibited again this year, as we did last year, at the Agriculture Fair in Mzuzu, Malawi.
Click here to see what happened last year!
Last year, we exhibited a model of a toilet, manure made from the toilet, photos of our activities and distributed leaflets.
In addition, this year, more farmers participated in our project and we were able to display crops grown using manure made from urine (We call it ELSaN manure).
The number of people expressing aversion to manure made from human urine seemed to have decreased even more compared to last year. The fact that people were able to hold actually grown crops in their hands seemed to have dispelled not only their aversion but also their concerns about their health. As shown in the picture below (9th picture), the number of E. coli bacteria in the toilets we built was only detected at a level that was not a health problem. By also displaying the results of field trials (10th photo), we were able to show that manure made from human waste promotes crop growth at a level almost comparable to that of common fertilisers.
- 今回のフェア用に新しいポスターを作りました
- 去年と同じ模型を展示しました
- 農家さん達がプロジェクトについて説明中です
- トマト、メイズ、大豆などを販売しました
- 人気のバナナはすぐに完売してしまいました
- それぞれ違う肥料を使って育てたメイズです
- 農業関係者も含めたくさんの人に買っていただきました
- 大腸菌の数についての展示
- 圃場試験の結果の展示
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